MSDN Subscriber Downloads が Firefox をサポート

普段、MSDN を含む のサイトは Internet Explorer で閲覧している。Subscriber Downloads も IE でしか閲覧したことはなかった。でも、ふと以下のエントリを発見。

Almost forgot - MSDN Subscriber Downloads now supports Firefox!

Almost forgot - MSDN Subscriber Downloads now supports Firefox!

And Opera. Funnily enough, when we were doing the initial planning for our 3.0 platform I got some pushback from the dev team on this requirement because only .5% of our old site traffic was on a non-IE browser. After we realized that they were serious we got the requirement straightened out, only changing it from "Mozilla" to "Firefox" since that's the predominant browser. Installing the File Transfer Manager (FTM) still requires some effort, but a revision to the FTM client is in the near-term works that will address this and other problems.

実際に Firefox 1.0.6 でアクセスしてダウンロードを試行すると、File Transfer Manager が起動してダウンロードが開始された。

うーん、でも、これからも IE を使うかな。たぶん。